diagnosed fibromyalgia light gentle yoga exercises intuned body capable stretch help loosen muscles joints yoga traditional relax calm focus mind deal emotional turmoil flare-ups mild massive healthcare provider yoga poses recommended stand feet hip-width apart bend hip joints fingertips palms people floor place thighs calves position slowly standing straight bad back kneesLie on the floor back bend knees straighten arms clasp beneath the body while exhaling lifting tailbone buttocks exhale reduce discomfort face-up blanket shoulders history neck Inhale and push into the palms, straightening the arms until the upper body lifts off the floor. Do not lift the feet or pelvis off the floor chest pregnancy headache carpal imagine energy refresh tool meditation rejuvenating incorporates bolsters challenging reduce stress boost mental health information push tenderness shooting severe parts aerobic walking week one-size-fits-all swedish preventative measure symptoms fibromyalgia surface worsen times intense deep tissue massage circulation which increases the flow of oxygen nutrients necessary muscle repair